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Equine Synergist

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Promoting Wellness, Preventing Injury, & Modifying Muscles

Timeless techniques and modern technology
blended to achieve the gift of longevity
PS Vitality Pro is about evaluating all pieces of the puzzle to solve the physical, emotional, and mental variables to create confident horses and knowledgeable riders.
As a Clinician, Trainer, Author, & Product Designer, Tara Jones combines her experience to provide consulting services to help equines and riders prolong their relationship through education and wellness programs.

Book A Session

Don't miss out on a private Synergy Session with Tara Jones to experience the ultimate blend of PEMF technology, modern modalities, and energy work with body decoding. Book now and discover the innovative approach to prevention and longevity offered by PS Vitality Pro.


Wellness Week

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Subscribe & Get Chapter 1  AND Chapter 2
of Tara's Latest Book:

Muscle Modification System

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Vitality Programs
Prioritize the wellbeing of the horse & improved performance will be

Click to learn more about the equine modalities we offer! 

Training & 
The Essence of
Elite Equine Artistry.

Check out our NEW programs both with modalities, longevity, and biomechanics courses!

First Class Handmade Tack Designed by Tara.

Combination Cavesson, Adjustable Rope Cavesson, Fully Adjustable Headstalls and so much more!

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Take Tara's knowledge with you where ever
you are!

Don't miss out on these publications by Tara Jones

and begin to integrate

her methods!

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Magnawave is PEMF Therapy (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) is said to allow the body to achieve a natural state of wellness. MagnaWave machines have a unique electrical current that runs through a copper coil that creates a pulsing magnetic field. These are known as PEMFs.

Research about PEMF has been ongoing since the 1940s. Scientists have published thousands of studies, clinical trials, and research articles on the topic. 

Using PEMF is said to stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygenation, and reduce inflammation. This action can cause a chain of processes in the body that could lead to improvement of health without adverse side effects.


Get Involved

Tara's unique approach blends techniques and technologies to reach the highest level of success. Creating a prolonged partnership between horses and riders is an enlightening experience.

Tara says, “PS Vitality Pro combines classical techniques, artistry in movement, and the highest standards of technology. “Vitality” is really the culmination of how the whole experience creates an educational balance and emotional release."

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America Cryo
Revita Vet
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©2019 by Tara Jones. Proudly created  by Catherine Respess of Red Mare Enterprises, LLC

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